Keeping An Eye on You

Friday Fictioneers – hosted by Rochelle Wisoff-Fields – a weekly flash fiction challenge of 100 words, based on a photo prompt.  The following photo is the PHOTO PROMPT for Friday Fictioneers 2015 August 7.

PHOTO PROMPT -© Madison Woods
PHOTO PROMPT -© Madison Woods

Word Count 100

Keeping An Eye on You

“Is my joy and success in life because you have kept your eye on me?  And are you glowing with pride seeing me do loving, kindnesses?”

“I often wonder if I am doing well because you keep your eye on me, or if you keep your eye on me because I am trying to make this a better world.”

The Strong and Loving Voice replied:

“Both sides of your supposition may be correct – and there is a third part of the equation that indicates you have done well, and continue to be Blessed, Because You Keep Your Eye on Me!”

9 thoughts on “Keeping An Eye on You

    1. Dear Rochelle,

      Thank you for reading and for your kind comment. (I think I did not express what I was trying to convey, so I will try to do a ‘re-blog’.)



    1. Thank you for reading and commenting. I reviewed my blog with ‘conundrum’ in mind, and realized why it sounded that way. I had a different intention, and will try to fix it.


  1. Reblogged this on bobijobj and commented:

    “A Conversation With G’D” – I am sorry the blog did not clarify what I meant by The Strong, Loving Voice. Perhaps just the change of Title would have been much more clear.


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